
Early life (1571–1592)

Caravaggio (Michelangelo Merisi or Amerighi) was born in Milan, where his father, Fermo (Fermo Merixio), was a household administrator and architect-decorator to the Marchese of Caravaggio, a town not far from the city of Bergamo.[7] In 1576 the family moved to Caravaggio (Caravaggius) to escape a plague that ravaged Milan, and Caravaggio's father and grandfather both died there on the same day in 1577.[8][9] It is assumed that the artist grew up in Caravaggio, but his family kept up connections with the Sforzas and with the powerful Colonna family, who were allied by marriage with the Sforzas and destined to play a major role later in Caravaggio's life.

Caravaggio(ミケランジェロ・メリシまたはアメリギ)はミラノに生まれた。彼の父親Fermo(フェルモ・メリキソ)は、ベルガモ市からそう遠くない町、Caravaggio公爵家の家庭管理者であり建築家であった。[7] 1576年に家族はミラノを襲った疫病から逃れるためにカラヴァッジョ(カラヴァギウス)に移り、カラヴァッジョの父と祖父は1577年の同じ日にここで死亡した。 [8] [9] 芸術家はカラヴァッジョで育ったと思われるが、彼の家族はスフォルツァスおよびスフォルツァスと結婚して将来カラヴァッジョの人生で重要な役割を担うことになった強力なコロンナ家とのつながりを保っていた。


Caravaggio's mother died in 1584, the same year he began his four-year apprenticeship to the Milanese painter Simone Peterzano, described in the contract of apprenticeship as a pupil of Titian. Caravaggio appears to have stayed in the Milan-Caravaggio area after his apprenticeship ended, but it is possible that he visited Venice and saw the works of Giorgione, whom Federico Zuccari later accused him of imitating, and Titian.[10] He would also have become familiar with the art treasures of Milan, including Leonardo da Vinci's Last Supper, and with the regional Lombard art, a style that valued simplicity and attention to naturalistic detail and was closer to the naturalism of Germany than to the stylised formality and grandeur of Roman Mannerism.[11]


Beginnings in Rome (1592/95–1600)

Following his initial training under Simone Peterzano, in 1592 Caravaggio left Milan for Rome, in flight after "certain quarrels" and the wounding of a police officer. The young artist arrived in Rome "naked and extremely needy ... without fixed address and without provision ... short of money."[12]During this period he stayed with the miserly Pandolfo Pucci, known as "monnsignor Insalata".[13] A few months later he was performing hack-work for the highly successful Giuseppe CesariPope Clement VIII's favourite artist, "painting flowers and fruit"[14] in his factory-like workshop.

In Rome there was demand for paintings to fill the many huge new churches and palazzos being built at the time. It was also a period when the Church was searching for a stylistic alternative to Mannerism in religious art that was tasked to counter the threat of Protestantism.[15] Caravaggio's innovation was a radical naturalism that combined close physical observation with a dramatic, even theatrical, use of chiaroscuro that came to be known as tenebrism (the shift from light to dark with little intermediate value).

シモーネ・ペテルツァーノの元で最初の訓練を受けた後、1592年、カラヴァッジョは「特定の口論」と警官の傷害事件を起こして逃亡し、ミラノを後にしてローマに向かった。この若い芸術家はローマに到着した「むき出しで極度に困窮している...。決まった住所もなく、準備もなく...。お金の不足。」[12]。この時期に彼はけちなPandolfo Pucci「モンシニョールインサラータ」のところに滞在した。[13]数ヶ月後、彼は工場のような仕事場で、教皇クレメントVIIIの人気アーティスト、ジュゼッペ・チェザーリ「花と果物を描くこと」のハックワークをしていた[14]。



Known works from this period include a small Boy Peeling a Fruit (his earliest known painting), a Boy with a Basket of Fruit, and the Young Sick Bacchus, supposedly a self-portrait done during convalescence from a serious illness that ended his employment with Cesari. All three demonstrate the physical particularity for which Caravaggio was to become renowned: the fruit-basket-boy's produce has been analysed by a professor of horticulture, who was able to identify individual cultivars right down to "... a large fig leaf with a prominent fungal scorch lesion resembling anthracnose (Glomerella cingulata)."[16]

Caravaggio left Cesari, determined to make his own way after a heated argument.[17] At this point he forged some extremely important friendships, with the painter Prospero Orsi, the architect Onorio Longhi, and the sixteen-year-old Sicilian artist Mario Minniti. Orsi, established in the profession, introduced him to influential collectors; Longhi, more balefully, introduced him to the world of Roman street-brawls.[18] Minniti served Caravaggio as a model and, years later, would be instrumental in helping him to obtain important commissions in Sicily. Ostensibly, the first archival reference to Caravaggio in a contemporary document from Rome is the listing of his name, with that of Prospero Orsi as his partner, as an 'assistante' in a procession in October 1594 in honour of St. Luke.[19] The earliest informative account of his life in the city is a court transcript dated 11 July 1597, when Caravaggio and Prospero Orsi were witnesses to a crime near San Luigi de' Francesi.[20]


カラヴァッジオは激しい議論の末、自分の道を切り開こうと決意してチェサリを去った。[17]この時点で、彼は画家のProspero Orsi、建築家のOnorio Longhi、16歳のシチリア人芸術家のMario Minnitiと極めて重要な友情を築いた。専門家として設立されたオルシは彼を有力な収集家に紹介した;ロンギはもっと陰気にローマの市街戦の世界を彼に紹介した。[18]MinnitiはCaravaggioにモデルとして仕え、数年後にはSicilyで重要なコミッションを得る手助けをすることになった。表面的には、ローマからの同時代文書の中でカラヴァッジオが記録史料上初めて言及されたのは、1594年10月の聖ルカ祭を記念した行列で、彼の名前がパートナーのプロスペロ・オルシとともに「アシスタンテ 」として列記されていたことである。[19]カラヴァッジョとプロスペロ・オルシがサン・ルイージ・デ・フランチェシの近くで起きた犯罪の目撃者であった1597年7月11日付けの法廷記録が、市内での彼の人生について最古の情報をもたらしている。[20]

An early published notice on Caravaggio, dating from 1604 and describing his lifestyle three years previously, recounts that "after a fortnight's work he will swagger about for a month or two with a sword at his side and a servant following him, from one ball-court to the next, ever ready to engage in a fight or an argument, so that it is most awkward to get along with him."[21] In 1606 he killed a young man in a brawl, possibly unintentionally, and fled from Rome with a death sentence hanging over him.



The Fortune Teller, his first composition with more than one figure, shows a boy, likely Minniti, having his palm read by a gypsy girl, who is stealthily removing his ring as she strokes his hand. The theme was quite new for Rome, and proved immensely influential over the next century and beyond. This, however, was in the future: at the time, Caravaggio sold it for practically nothing. The Cardsharps – showing another naïve youth of privilege falling the victim of card cheats – is even more psychologically complex, and perhaps Caravaggio's first true masterpiece. Like The Fortune Teller, it was immensely popular, and over 50 copies survive. More importantly, it attracted the patronage of Cardinal Francesco Maria del Monte, one of the leading connoisseurs in Rome. For Del Monte and his wealthy art-loving circle, Caravaggio executed a number of intimate chamber-pieces – The MusiciansThe Lute Player, a tipsy Bacchus, an allegorical but realistic Boy Bitten by a Lizard – featuring Minniti and other adolescent models.

『フォーチュン・テラー』は、複数の人物が登場する彼の最初の作品で、ミニティと思われる少年が、ジプシーの少女に手のひらを読まれ、少女がこっそり指輪を外しながら手を撫でているところを見せている。このテーマはローマにとって全く新しいものであり、次世紀以降に大きな影響力を持つようになった。しかし、これは将来のことだった。当時、カラヴァッジョはそれを事実上ただで売っていた。カードシャップスは、カード詐欺の被害者に転落する特権の純粋な若者をもう一人見せているが、さらに心理的に複雑であり、おそらくカラヴァッジョの最初の真の傑作である。『フォーチュン・テラー』と同様、非常に人気があり、50部以上が現存している。さらに重要なことに、ローマの有力な通の一人であるフランチェスコ・マリア・デル・モンテ枢機卿の支援を受けた。Del Monteと彼の裕福な芸術愛好家グループのために、Caravaggioは、Minnitiと他の思春期モデルをフィーチャーした、寓意的だが現実的なLizardによる少年Bittenである、ミュージシャン、リュートプレーヤー、ティプシーなバッカスなど、親密な部屋のピースをいくつか処刑した。

Caravaggio's first paintings on religious themes returned to realism, and the emergence of remarkable spirituality. The first of these was the Penitent Magdalene, showing Mary Magdalene at the moment when she has turned from her life as a courtesan and sits weeping on the floor, her jewels scattered around her. "It seemed not a religious painting at all ... a girl sitting on a low wooden stool drying her hair ... Where was the repentance ... suffering ... promise of salvation?"[22] It was understated, in the Lombard manner, not histrionic in the Roman manner of the time. It was followed by others in the same style: Saint CatherineMartha and Mary MagdaleneJudith Beheading Holofernes; a Sacrifice of Isaac; a Saint Francis of Assisi in Ecstasy; and a Rest on the Flight into Egypt. These works, while viewed by a comparatively limited circle, increased Caravaggio's fame with both connoisseurs and his fellow artists. But a true reputation would depend on public commissions, and for these it was necessary to look to the Church.


Already evident was the intense realism or naturalism for which Caravaggio is now famous. He preferred to paint his subjects as the eye sees them, with all their natural flaws and defects instead of as idealised creations. This allowed a full display of his virtuosic talents. This shift from accepted standard practice and the classical idealism of Michelangelo was very controversial at the time. Caravaggio also dispensed with the lengthy preparations traditional in central Italy at the time. Instead, he preferred the Venetian practice of working in oils directly from the subject – half-length figures and still life. Supper at Emmaus, from c. 1600–1601, is a characteristic work of this period demonstrating his virtuoso talent.
